Apply online for a preschool or primary school place.
Online applications close 12 noon on Thursday 30 January 2020.
Do you have a child starting pre-school or primary school in September 2020?

The online application process for pre-school and primary school places is currently open and will remain open until 12 noon on Thursday 30 January 2020.
Parents and guardians should visit: www.eani.org.uk
You can search for preschools and schools in your area, review the admissions criteria and complete an online application.
Speaking about the process, EA Acting Director of Operations and Estates Dale Hanna, said: “To date the EA has received almost 40,000 applications for pre-school and primary schools places for September 2020. With an anticipated 47,000 applications due we are reminding all parents to apply before online applications close in just over a week.
“As each application is assessed against the admissions criteria, it is important that parents read carefully the published criteria for each pre-school/school that they are applying to and indicate on the application how their child meets them.
“Parents can list as many preschools/schools as they wish and we recommend listing at least four in order of preference.
“Once the application is submitted, parents should then bring their child’s birth certificate and any other verifying information to the first preference pre-school or primary school by 12 noon on Friday, 7 February 2020.”
Parents and guardians can be reassured that places are not allocated on a first come first served basis, and schools and playgroups will not consider applications until after the closing date.
If any parent/guardian requires any further help with their child’s pre-school or primary school application, or encounter any difficulties they can contact our Admissions Helpdesk on 028 9598 5595…
or email: preschooladmissions@eani.org.uk
or primaryadmissions@eani.org.uk.
The Helpdesk will be open Monday – Thursday 8am – 8pm and Friday 8am – 5pm until 30 January 2020.
For further information, visit the EA website: www.eani.org.uk