Financial Assistance 2020-2021

Call For Financial Assistance 2020-2021
(Subject to funding availability and approval)
Newry Mourne and Down District Council invite applications for Financial Assistance towards the programme areas below:
- Minor Grants Community Works Schemes
- Community Capital Schemes
- Summer Schemes
- Irish Language
- Minority Communities
- Local Biodiversity Enhancement
- Tourism Events
- Tourism Partnership Marketing fund
- Community Engagement
- Community Events and Festivals
Application forms can be downloaded from: www.newrymournedown.org/residents-grants-and-funding
or can be collected from reception in O’Hagan House, Monaghan Row, Newry or Downshire Civic Centre, Downpatrick.
The opening date: Monday 4 November 2019.
The closing date: Monday 9 December 2019, 12pm.
Completed applications must be returned to either the reception in O’Hagan House, Monaghan Row, Newry or Downshire Civic Centre, Downpatrick.
Late applications will not be considered.
Workshops on the application process will take place at 6.30pm at the following venues:
Tuesday 12November, 6:30pm, Millbrook Lodge Hotel, Ballynahinch
Thursday 14 November, 6:30pm, Canal Court Hotel, Newry
Tuesday 19 November, 6:30pm Kilmorey Arms Hotel, Kilkeel
For further information on the application process, please contact:
The Programmes Unit :
Telephone: 028 3031 3024
Email: programmesunit@nmandd.org