Building Inspiring Caring At Blackwater Integrated College

The Blackwater Student Council, a representative body which is voted in by all of the students at the college, has met with South Down MP Margaret Ritchie.

The current council recently elected have already met with the college Principal and Vice Principal to discuss new initiatives in the College and have also held several assemblies.

The students were keen to find out about the work of the Westminster MP and the role she plays in her constituency and in Downpatrick.

The Student Council have been very encouraged by this meeting and are motivated to play a more active role in promoting integrated education in their local community and in representing their fellow students in Blackwater Integrated College.

[caption id="attachment_53563" align="aligncenter" width="540"]The Blackwater Integrated College student council pictured with Teacher Rachel Morrison, Principal Stephen Taylor and South Down MP Margaret Ritchie, front centre. The Blackwater Integrated College student council pictured with Teacher Rachel Morrison, Principal Stephen Taylor and South Down MP Margaret Ritchie, front centre.[/caption]]]>