Bell Welcomes New Older Peoples' Commissioner

[/caption] Speaking after the appointment of the Older Peoples’ Commissioner, Strangford MLA Jonathan Bell, the Junior Minister who has responsibility for older persons strategy and who was involved in the appointment, said, “It is vital that we hear older peoples voices at the heart of government. “This role will have real teeth with its statutory power and I welcome being challenged in government to deliver for older people. “I have been asked valid questions regarding the cost of both this and other Commission offices. “Let me preface my response by noting that older persons have paid their tax and national insurance all their lives and I regard it therefore as not so much can we afford this but rather can we afford not to. “But let me be clear where there is value and efficiencies through coordination and sharing of services, buildings and facilities as is already happening I will be to the forefront in that efficiency promotion,” added Mr Bell.]]>