When Ann retired from work some time ago, she wanted to do something to help someone else. Ann felt that Befriending is giving time to someone who is very lonely.
She has found the experience very rewarding and has made a new friend and would now recommend Volunteer Befriending to someone who is considering volunteering. An said: “My first impression was that the Volunteer Befriending Service was very well organised with back up help whenever you need it.
“Volunteer Befriending makes you feel you are being needed and doing something useful and worthwhile. Basically it is only your time you are giving and you are not out of pocket. It’s about offering someone your time to be a listening ear and even getting them out of the house. I enjoy Beulah’s company very much and it’s an opportunity for myself to also get out and about and be active and healthy. ”

Beulah was initially quite cautious about having a Volunteer Befriender visit her at home. She said: “I didn’t know if I would like it to begin with.” Beulah is visually impaired, and finds it difficult to see colours and is unable to read any more.
Her daughter saw an advertisement for Caring Communities Safe & Well in a local newspaper and suggested to her mum to give it a try. Now Beulah looks forward to Ann coming every week saying “it has given me much more of a life”.
The Caring Communities Safe & Well Service are delighted that Beulah and Ann from the Ards & North Down area are enjoying their befriending experience. The Caring Communities Safe & Well Service wishes to take this opportunity to thank Ann for becoming a Volunteer Befriender.
Caring Communities Safe & Well will be celebrating Volunteer Week on Friday 2nd June 2017 with a special celebration event for all their Volunteer Befriends and to say thank you for their time and commitment.
‘You make a difference!’
The South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust Caring Communities Safe & Well Service is currently seeking Volunteer Befrienders in Ards & North Down, Lisburn and Down. If you are inspired by Ann and Beulah’s’ stories and have one to two hours a week that you could spare to make ‘an older person’s day less lonely’ then please contact Caring Communities Safe & Well on Tel: 028 97566934.