Alliance Call For Road Improvements At Tullybrannigan

th, is calling on the DRD Roads Service to address a number of poor road surface areas and pot holes in the Tullybrannigan area of Newcastle. Mr. Clarke is seeking urgent remedial work to be carried out in particular on the Tullybrannigan Road and Shanslieve Drive.  He said, “Like many roads following the extreme winter conditions, pot holes and poor road surface areas are now appearing in the Tullybrannigan area, causing danger to motorists. Residents living in Shanslieve Drive and Tullybrannigan Road have sent me a number of complaints about the pot holes and poor road surface areas which have now begun to become highly visible, and are causing motorists to avoid suddenly suddenly in order to prevent damage to their vehicles.” “I am therefore calling on DRD Roads Service to carry out an inspection of both Shanslieve Drive and Tullybrannigan Road and to carry out urgent remedial works to remedy the situation. “I have now made representations to DRD Roads Service and hope remedial repair work will be carried out very shortly, and I will continue to monitor the situation closely until the works are completed by DRD Roads Service.”]]>