Green Party Candidates In Down

The Green Party is running a candidate across each of the 18 constituencies and is also the first party to announce an equal number of male and female candidates.

North Down candidate Stephen Agnew.

Party Leader Steven Agnew said the candidates are all standing to oppose the politics of waste at Stormont.

He said: “The traditional parties have wasted our time, money and opportunity with the collapse of the Executive.

“But people have the oportunity to reject the politics of waste. An alternative exists and that alternative spans across Northern Ireland with our 18 Green candidates.

South Down Green Party candidate Hannah George.

“I stand with a party which values and promotes equality, supports sustainable economic development and is challenging to ensure that Northern Ireland gets the best deal possible from Europe.”

Green Party candidate for South Down Hannah George began working for Steven Agnew as a constituency officer before joining the party.

It was during this time that she realised the Green Party are a progressive, equality-focused, non-sectarian party. For Hannah, the party represent her political beliefs better than other Northern Irish party and the politics of waste.

Vicky Bamford, Strangford candidate.

Hannah said: “I believe that some voices in our society are not represented, listened to or are just ignored. We need to do more to improve equality for the LGBT community, women and ethnic minority communities and take care of the disabled.”

Strangford candidate Ricky Bamford has worked in the voluntary sector in housing and homelessness for thirty years and has witnessed first hand the results of division and inequality.

Ricky said: “Inequality and division have a direct impact upon the individual, wasting opportunity, money and lives.

“The people of Northern Ireland need a Party committed to tackling this waste – eager to work in partnership and to focus on those things we have in common – education, health, housing and jobs.

“I will work for you on behalf of the Green Party to promote equality and participation, re-stimulate the local economy, encourage investment in our people and protect our amazing natural resources.

“It’s time for change. Hate waste. Vote Green.”