The Summer BBQ At The Old Commercial Bar In Ardglass
In Aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care
Despite a rainy afternoon, many regulars turned up to support this important health charity cause. The barbecue was donated by Turleys Developments from Downpatrick and the event was organised by Old Commercial regular Paul Burke.
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After a successful Sunday summer baebecue at the Old Commercial Bar in Ardglass in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care, Jack and Gavin O’Shea from Ardglass presented a cheque for £300 to Phil Kane, area fundraiser for Marie Curie Cancer Care. Included are some local supports with Proprietor Sean Johnston and event organiser, Paul Burke.[/caption]
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The Old Commercial Bar BBQ in Ardglass in support of Marie Curie Cancer Care attracted a good crowd despite the heavy rain.[/caption]
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Lovely grub! Gavin and Jack O’Shea give BBQ organiser Paul Burke a helping hand.[/caption]]]>