Greencastle residents had an opportunity on Saturday 1Â June to make clear their opposition to plans to build a car ferry terminal in Greencastle. Welcoming MP Margaret Richie to Greencastle, the committee of Greencastle Area Residents Group were able to give an update on the outcomes of the public meeting hosted by the group which the ferry developer attended.
At this meeting the overwhelming view from the community was that the scale and nature of the development is not in keeping with Greencastle’s heritage and that the infrastructure in the area was well below the standards needed to support the huge increase in traffic that the ferry would introduce.
There were a number of questions posed to the developer at the meeting to which residents are awaiting responses. In particular, residents are hugely concerned that the developers’ plans for road ‘upgrades’ will be far below residents expectations. There is also concern amongst the community that the developer is proceeding with such haste that residents are being left with little opportunity to have questions answered.
Ms Richie listened to resident’s concerns about the safety implications of the proposed road changes and it was pointed out that the road itself has huge recreational value to the community and visitors alike which will be destroyed should the development be allowed to proceed.
Ms Richie also took time with the group to revisit previously discussed plans in regards to the provision for and promotion of existing tourist attractions in Greencastle, namely the castle which the group pointed out has not been included in the new Mourne coastal scenic route despite its huge historic value in the area.
Greencastle Area Residents Group will be continuing consultation with all elected representatives in regards to the ferry proposal.