McGrath Says Skin Cancer Strategy Must Be Extended

SDLP call for extension to the skin cancer strategy

SDLP South Down MLA Colin McGrath has called upon the Health Minister to extend the Northern Ireland skin cancer strategy which has been due to expire in September.

Commenting, the South Down MLA and Opposition Health Spokesperson said: “The skin cancer strategy has been one of those rare things from the Northern Ireland Executive: a strategy that actually had outcomes and an associated action plan.

“I have been concerned for some time that the strategy was due to expire in September, and had received correspondence from the previous Health Minister in February that the strategy’s effectiveness could not be reviewed as the Department did not have the funding to do so.

South Down MLA Colin McGrath is pressing to get an extension for the skin cancer strategy which expires in September 2024.

“At a time where we have over 4000 new cases of skin cancer per year and a cost of £21million per year, the need to implement measures to prevent skin cancer has never been greater.

“September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and we recently received data published on Young People’s Behaviour and Attitudes to care in the sun, and the findings are worrying.”

Colin McGrath added: “At present, only two thirds of young people (from Year 8 to Year 12) will use sunscreen when outside for 30 minutes or more.

“We also see that as young people progress through their school journey they are less and less likely to use sun cream. This is worrying.

“Therefore, I have written to the Health Minister to request that he extend the lifetime of the skin cancer strategy and that every effort goes into educating our young people on the need to use sun cream.

“This will help prevent future cases of skin cancer, save money and most importantly, save lives.”