Clarke Calls For Burrendale Alleys To Be Cleared Up

Residents should not have to tolerate dirty alleyways in Burrendale estate in Newcastle says Cllr Willie Clarke

Sinn Féin Councillor Willie Clarke is calling a meeting to address the upkeep and sanitation of alleyways in the Burrendale estate, Castlewellan Road in Newcastle.

Cllr Clarke said: “It is crucial we arrange a meeting with DFI Roads, Housing Executive, and Council Cleansing officers.

“The purpose of this meeting is to determine and agree upon the ownership and responsibility for the alleyways in the Burrendale Estate on Castlewellan Road.

“It is essential for all statutory agencies to collaborate to ensure the alleyways are kept clean and well-maintained.

Cllr Willie Clarke is calling on a meeting with different agencies to resolve cleansing issues in the Burrendale estate in Newcastle.

“Community representatives have consistently reported at interagency meetings that the current standard of maintenance is unsatisfactory.

“As an elected representative, it is evident that there are significant issues, including fly tipping, graffiti, and lack of maintenance in several alleyways.

“These issues require the intervention of multiple government agencies for resolution.

“Tenants have the right to live without excessive litter and overgrown vegetation, and to have proper drainage in the alleyways behind their homes.

“It is unacceptable for them to be given the run-around when seeking to have an area cleaned,” added Cllr Clarke.