Tools For Solidarity Sends Container To Africa

“Already the Belfast TFS and the Downpatrick branch have set up a sewing machine refurbiushment and training centre in Mwanza, Tanzania. Local mechanics were trsained by TFS volunteers to service and refurbish these machines. The skills can now remain in Africa and can be passed on through training. In the past four years over 1500 sewing machines have gone out to Tanzania to help tailors living in the rural areas around Lake Victoria.”

“> Recently volunteers from Downpatrick TFS went up to Belfast to help load up a container due to leave for Tanzania on Thursday. The container contains 400 sewing machines, 15 treadle machines, 6 knitting machines, 8 industrial sewing machines, 10 bicycles, 10 tool kits for mechanics, 500 kg of material for use in the tailoring sector and many other items. After the container was fully loaded, John Martin helped perform a non-traditional ceremony giving thanks to all those who had donated funds, tools and their time as volunteers. The container was blessed for its journey and that it may bring the people of Africa closer to their dreams by having tools to work with. Downpatrick TFS is located at the old Southwell School at 44 English Street  in Downpatrick, and they are continuously collecting old tools. During the tool sale at New Horizons, a djembe drumming group played in the open air sending their African rhythms out over the Ballyduggan Road. Downpatrick man John Martin accompanied local drumming/bodhran tutor Aidan Milligan with a few other helping hands. John  Alibankoha who manages a vocational raining college in Uganda which has about 63 students and nine staff, said that the employment prospects for most of them were very poor, but the new skill training in areas such as carpentry and tailoring should offer some improvement. The students also get some general education too. The nearest other school is 60 miles away. It is a very rural area. He added, “The tools that Tools for Solidarity have sent out are in excellent condition and will last well. We very much appreciate this help. “I was was in Germany fundraising a few days ago to help fundraise to build a dormitory for the young students.  I found the churches very supportive there.  And I will be flying off to Southhampton to continue gathering support from local groups. This contribution to our African society will pay huge dividends in the future helping skills to develop in the local area and be handed down.”]]>