25, October, 2024, 20:57
Home Tags Waiting times

Tag: waiting times

Emergency Care Statistics for 2023-24

Waiting time stats for ED released by Department of Health around 126,440 people wait for longer than...

NIAS Soon To Recruit More Paramedics For NI

Northern Ireland set to get additional 48 paramedics in 2024 The Department of Health has given the go-ahead to...

Hospitals Under Pressure As EDs Face Growing Demand

The latest statistics on Emergency Care in Northern Ireland make grim reading. The time waiting for admission through...

McGrath Says Health Service In Crisis Due To Waiting Times

SDLP Health spokesman Colin McGrath MLA has expressed his cpncerns about the increasingly long waiting lists in the NHS which Health MInisyter Rob Swann "regrets".

Concerns Over NHS Waiting Lists In Northern Ireland

There is growing concern about the level of waiting lists in the health service. Concerns are growing rapidly...

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