SDLP Marks Recent World Mental Health Day

The SDLP has marked World Mental Health Day

The SDLP has marked World Mental Health Day

The SDLP’s South Down MLA Colin McGrath and Downpatrick Councillor Conor Galbraith have marked this year’s World Mental Health Day by advocating for better support for those in need.

The South Down MLA has said: “Addressing mental health support and mental wellbeing is, finally enshrined within the public and political agenda.

“It is something that all parties are recognising.

“The North carries an additional element of complexity in that we are still a post-conflict society.

Colin McGrath MLA and Downpatrick Councillor Conor Galbraith hjave supported World Mental Health Day and said that more support needs to be in place to help those in need.

“And while we are 25 years on since the Good Friday Agreement, there are so many families and individuals that are living with trans-generational trauma. 

“World Mental Health Day really gives us the opportunity to highlight these issues and I do believe this can give some comfort to those who are suffering at present.

“There is so much happening across the north to support people, but there is ultimately much more to do. 

“Today, Conor and I want to send a clear message to all our young people and adult population who may be struggling with poor mental health.

“You are not alone and you do not need to go through this alone. Help is out there.”

Cllr Galbraith said: “We know that mental health problems cost the North £3.4billion per year. 

“And we know that 56% of this is for those aged 15-49 and we know that almost 30% of those with depression and anxiety do not feel that their needs are being met. 

“Health inequalities are increasing. 

“Our suicide rate is the second highest in the UK and our prescription level for drugs such as Pregabalin, Tramadol and Diazepam are particularly high amongst young people. 

“It is clear that more needs to be done to support our young people particularly, and this can be done both through Council and the Assembly.

“I would really appeal to the DUP to get back to the table and let our MLAs get back to work to do this.”