A training course for sports clubs to enhance their child protection is on offer in Ards next month (3 February).
Part of Ards Borough Council’s coach education programme, the course is aimed at club coaches, volunteers and officials who are designated as ‘safeguarding children officers’ and are responsible for child protection policies, plans and actions.
The three-hour session, led by Sport NI, will focus on increasing understanding of current child protection issues and reinforce best practice, as well as developing coaches’ skills in their roles as safeguarding officers.
The ‘Sport NI Designated Safeguarding Children’s Officers’ training takes place on Monday 3 February in Ards Leisure Centre from 6.30pm to 9.30pm and costs £15.
Participants must have completed “Safeguarding Children and Young People in Sport” within the last 3 years to undertake course.
For further information and to book, contact the Council’s Sports Development service on 028 9182 4018: