Residents Embrace Recycling Glass in Blue Bins.
Newry Mourne and Down District Council is delighted with the response from residents towards the continued rollout of glass recycling in the blue bin.
From the start of April residents in the Down District Council legacy area can now recycle glass bottles and jars (of any colour) in the blue bin alongside the many other materials that can already be recycled.
Residents in the Newry and Mourne legacy area have already been able to recycle glass in the blue bin since 2012 but Council has now harmonised the waste collection service for residents and rolled it out across the entire district.

Last week officers reviewed sample material from blue bin collections within the Down District legacy area and were delighted to see that residents have already embraced recycling glass bottles and jars.
Council Chairman, Councillor Mark Murnin said: “Glass recycling was established across the whole district last week and from the feedback on social media we know it is a welcome addition. We hope that this improvement will make recycling even easier for our residents, and with such a range of materials now readily recycled from home, I encourage everyone to recycle as much as they can in both the blue and brown bin.”
Recycling saves money as well as saving energy, natural resources and the environment. However, only glass items such as glass bottles and jars can be recycled in the blue bin, unfortunately other similar items like ceramics, drinking glasses, glass cookware, mirrors and bulbs are not recyclable. This is because these toughened items do not melt at the same temperature as ordinary glass and could spoil the glass recycling process.
Glass and all other dry recyclable materials should be clean, dry and loose when placed into the blue bin with no food or liquid residue present. Any recyclable caps or lids should be placed separately into the blue bin.
Householders are reminded that glass and other recyclable materials must not be placed in the black bin and that all food waste must be recycled in the brown bin.
For more information on what can be recycled in your blue bin please contact us on 0300 013 2233 or email: