South Down MLA Chris Hazzard (Sinn Féin) has spoken at a party meeting held in the Carrickdale Hotel held to discuss the current economic and political climate.
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A packed out public engagement organised by the party at the Carrickdale Hotel gave what Mr Hazzard described “an opportunity by citizens to engage directly with the Sinn Féin leadership.”
Education Minister John O Dowd was also present at what has been described as “an honest and frank assessment of the current political and economic situation.”
Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams TD was unable to address the meeting due to the ongoing Dáil debate and vote on the issue of Water Charges that evening.
Mr Hazzard who will be fighting the forthcoming South Down Westminster elction in 2015 said at the event which attracted nearly 500 people: “It is our firm view that we want to go out and listen to the views and opinions of our people as we face into a Westminister election and a new Assembly term in 2016.
“Sinn Féin is the only party that regularly engages with the community in this fashion. Presently we are holding a series of town-hall type meetings to give citizens out there an opportunity to engage directly with the party leadership.
“The engagement in the Carrickdale was informative, challenging, honest and frank. People are under no illusions as to the difficulties faced but there was a general consensus that the onus was on Sinn Féin as a political party and as elected representatives to continue on the course we are on in pursuit of our objectives.”