Christmas is a special time for family and friends.
Here are some tips to help those with dementia and their carers have a great time at Christmas.

* Discuss with them what they would like to do over the Christmas period, such as whether they want to visit friends or would they like friends to visit them in their own home.
* If family and friends cannot come home for Christmas, consider setting up video calls, as this is a fabulous way of people keeping in touch.
* Involve them in putting up the Christmas tree and decorations, which provides a perfect opportunity for them to reminisce about their early memories of Christmas and the enjoyable times with friends and family in years gone by.
* Arrange for the person with dementia to attend their local church/ carol service over the festive period.
* If they like to be involved in the preparation of food, continue this tradition so that it makes them feel that they have an active role to play and they don’t feel excluded.

* Share the caring duties – if family members are home over the Christmas period ask them to help out with the caring role.
* Devise a rota for caring duties and have some backup plans in case agreed arrangements don’t fall into place. Grandchildren, friends and neighbours may also wish to be part of a ‘one off’ rota for caring or befriending, which can allow the carer to have a night out or a day’s shopping in the run up to Christmas.
* Carers need to spend precious time with their own family such as husband, wife, partner, children and grandchildren. Carers should not feel guilty about relinquishing their caring duties for a brief period; it gives other family members an opportunity to re–bond with other loved ones.
* Carers must not forget their own health and wellbeing – carers should plan in advance what they wish to do if they get a break at Christmas from their caring duties. Schedule in activities, shopping trips, visits, pampering and physical activity.
In addition, an online resource available at:
provides information on the signs of dementia, how to get a diagnosis and where to find help and support.