Mourne’s Sinn Féin Cllr Willie Clarke has welcomed the decision by Forestry Service to carry out drainage and resurfacing repairs to the road within the short section of roadway between the Newry Mourne and Down District Council section of laneway and Greenhill YMCA Donard Forest Newcastle.

The resurfacing works will be carried out in late March.
Cllr Clarke said: “I have met with YMCA staff and forestry officials in regards this issue, and during these meetings it was emphasised that guests who visit Green Hill YMCA in Newcastle on foot, often after dark, are having increased difficulties negotiating the deep and often water filled potholes.
“Several have reported tripping and the risk of injury is high. There are pot holes, uneven surfaces, potential danger when driving out of the park, particularly to those unfamiliar with the area. This has been an on-going difficulty for many years.
“I am delighted Forestry Service have found the resources to upgrade this main artery into the High Mournes. Clearly the improvement of the short section of roadway will have significant benefits to tourists and local people intending to visit the forest and the Mournes,” added Cllr Willie Clarke.