Co Down Exam Pupils Offered Support By Childline

“We hear from lots of young people each year who are anxious, worried or panicking about their results. We want to let them know that they are not alone and that ChildLine is here to listen to them.” Parents, family and trusted adults can help young people who may be worrying by making space and time to ask them how they are feeling about their exam results and talking to them about their concerns. If young people are feeling stressed about their results, or if they don’t get the results they had hoped for, then ChildLine has the following top tips: *  Tell someone how you are feeling – a parent, carer, friend or teacher. Or if you want to speak to someone anonymously you can contact ChildLine in confidence. *   Look at the options that are available to you such as re-sitting, going to another university or college or changing to a similar course. *   If you are able to re-sit think about what you would do differently – you may need more help with revision or there might be one area that you need to concentrate more on. *   Don’t think that your whole future will be determined by your exam results – it’s not. There are lots of things out there for you to do and gain experience in. Speak to your guidance councillor or even a career advisor about the options available to you. There is also lots of help, advice and fun things to do on the ‘Beat exam stress’ section of the ChildLine website – Young people can write on message boards where they can talk to other young people waiting for results and offer support to each other. They can also use the creative tools to express their feelings and watch videos. The helpline is also available to anyone who wants to speak to a counsellor about their results on 0800 1111.]]>