Councillor Willie Clarke has praised those people who have donated their efforts and support directly and indirectly to the plight of the refugees in Calais in France.
Speaking about the recent appeal for help, he said: “I would like to thank all the people involved in supporting the relief effort for the refugee crisis and the collection of essential supplies for the Calais refugee solidarity group.
“It is clear the public are ahead of the politicians in the urgency of this refugee crisis. There has been a great effort by everyone. Following on from many days and nights work coordinated by Geraldine Mc Donald in St Mary’s Hall in Newcastle there has been a great manifestation of community spirit by all sections in our community.
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“I would like to offer my appreciation to everyone involved in the refugee relief effort, right across our council area.”
Following a notice of motion Cllr Clarke tabled at full Newry Mourne and Down District Council meeting a week ago, the Council i snow actively working towards an agenda of support. The motion said that: ‘Council officers draw up proposals how Council can work with partners to offer sanctuary and support to refugee families. Council will organise a workshop, where we will consider the proposals and how we can make best use of our collective resources, money, staff time and facilities.‘
“The Newry Mourne and Down District Council have written to the OFM/DFM to convene a Task Force involving Councils the Housing Executive, Health Trusts and other statutory agencies, community, voluntary sector, to plan a coherent and a rapid humanitarian response for the region,” explained Cllr Clarke.
He added: “Nobody could not be moved, by the heart-breaking crisis unfolding before us. It is sickening to witness. 1000’s of refugees dying off the coast of Greece and Turkey, an estimated 2600 refugees, have perished in this area.
“Millions of refugees have been displaced from the conflict in Syria. 1000’s are waiting in Calais.  The iconic photograph of the young boy lying dead on the beach in Turkey just summed up this ongoing tragedy. Aylan Kurdi, his brother and mother perished in Bodrum. This brought the tragedy of the refugees to the public’s attention.
“No parent puts their children in danger. it is only through desperation that they would make such a voyage. Ordinary people are ahead of the politicians across Europe and they have pressurised them into doing more.
“Political leaders including, David Cameron and Enda Kenny, have been embarrassed into doing more. This has happened by people power.”