South Down Alliance Assembly candidate, Councillor Patrick Brown, has said that he is happy to represent the post-conflict generation.
He said: “This May, many young people born in 1998 will be able to vote for the first time. It’s been 18 years since the Good Friday Agreement, and yes Northern Ireland has moved forward, but not fast enough.

“The most common trend I’m finding on the doorsteps of South Down on my canvass is that people want change. They’re sick and tired of the same old divisive arguments about the past and the slow moving nature of NI politics. Indeed, I believe the mindsets and aspirations of a majority of citizens here have moved beyond our politics and people are ready for change.
“They want something new and different – a representative that will focus on real, evidence based politics – not green and orange tribalism. From my time studying politics to Postgraduate level outside of NI I have the knowledge to see the bigger picture which often escapes our current leaders.
“From my experience running several businesses and charitable organisations, I have the skills and entrepreneurial spirit needed to take NI forward, faster. From my time as a local Rowallene Councillor, I know what the people I represent expect of me. I am pro-equal marriage and pro-choice, I will fight for a more sustainable economy and a greener environment. I will be a champion for more integrated schools in South Down and will challenge the culture of division at Stormont.
“If I am elected I will represent an outward-looking and inclusive Northern Ireland that will truly reflect the aspirations of the post-conflict generation. But if people want this change, they have to go out and vote for me, Vote Brown for South Down on Thursday May 5th.