The event was organised by Media Studies lecturer Campbell Miller, and welcoming everyone along to the event he said, “I am pleased to welcome you all here today to what is the third annual SERC Film Festival. Without doubt this is the biggest festival to date with over 20 films making the cut to be aired during the festival.
“The standard of work you are about to see is testament to the efforts of the students who have dedicated hours to their final piece; it is also a positive reflection on their lecturers who have provided them with the skills, knowledge and support.
[caption id="attachment_24516" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="South Eastern Regional College student Matthew Denvir collects his award for Best Documentary and Promotional Video from Michael Malone, Director of Curriculum and Information Services and Campbell Miller, Media Lecturer."][/caption]
“Motion picture is the most effective communication medium in the world and also a multi-million pound industry. The films we are about to see represent the first steps for many of our students in a long and hopefully successful career, so sit back and enjoy.”
Newcastle student Matthew Denvir, who studies Media at SERC, claimed first place in the Best Documentary and Promotional Video category with his film entitled ‘Life with Autism’. Matthew impressed the judges with his short film which focused on autism and the effects it has on people who either suffer with autism or have a family member or friend who are affected by the condition.
Closing the event Michael Malone, Director of Curriculum and Information Services at SERC had this to say, “Congratulations to all the students who had their films shown during the festival, whilst there can only be a certain number of winners it is a fantastic achievement in itself to have made it to this stage and have a film you produced played on a cinema screen.
Some people within the film and television industry will go their whole career without reaching this stage so it is something to be very proud of for you budding professionals. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience and the standard of work produced bodes well for the future of the film and television industry in Northern Ireland.”]]>