GAA Notes From St John’s GAC for 10th April 2022
Fixtures for this upcoming week.

Some very exciting news coming throughSt Johns GAC are happy to announce we will again have a Gaelic for mother’s and others team. Come join a great bunch of ladies!!Contact Laura on 07928197961 to join the WhatsApp group
No Jackpot Winner(s)2 x £20 Winner tonight. Congratulations to Paul Keating & James LavertyLotto numbers were 8 , 21 , 22 & 30Next week’s jackpot £3600.
As the new season has started, we would like to remind our members that purchasing club merchandise and gear will be done through the online club shop with O’Neills.
DOWN DRAW TICKETS: With your massive support last year, we installed state-of-the-art floodlights. This year we want to improve facilities even further. We need to:
- fence all-round the river,
- install 2 outside defibrillators at the pitches
- and install a a scoreboard to go with the new lights.
With your help we can get these expenses covered.