DEA Catch Up and Connect Event Brings Communities Together
Rowallane and Slieve Croob District Electoral Areas (DEAs) in partnership with County Down Rural Community Network and supported by the Community Fund recently held a Catch Up and Connect Event in the Burrendale Hotel, Newcastle on Thursday 14 October 2021.
The organisers of the event felt it was timely that residents should have an opportunity to reconnect with others in a safe and social environment.

Due to shielding and a series of lockdowns, many residents in the district have been experiencing isolation and loneliness. This event provided the opportunity for people to meet socially again and talk with others for the benefit of their mental and physical health.
Newry Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson, Councillor Cathy Mason, said,:“COVID-19 has often had a large and often devastating impact on our lives but this event has enabled people to meet up again socially and everyone here today has said what a tonic the event has been.
“They have had an occasion to dress up for, have a reason to get out of the house and meet old and new friends in an enjoyable atmosphere.

“I congratulate everyone involved in the organisation of such a successful and joyous event and look forward to seeing more of the same in the future.”
The last 20months have been challenging times for all of us, many have been separated from friends and family, working from home, home schooling and missing out on holidays, occasions and even not being able to hug our loved ones.
This event provided an opportunity for over one hundred guests to enjoy a morning coffee and much needed companionship during a period of time when loneliness and isolation has been rife.