Jim Shannon, MP for Strangford, has thanked DEFRA Minister George Eustice for so quickly meeting with himself and his constituents Tim Acheson, Managing Director from Lakeland Dairies’ Pritchett Site in Newtownards along with Lakeland Dairies Chief Executive Michael Hanley, Dermot Farrell, General Manager, Foodservice Division.

Mr Shannon said: “There is an issue with a certificate which has arisen and it seems that only the highest level intervention will help and it was great to be able to contact the minister and have a meeting the next week.
“Although it is clear that we are not in government, there is a definitely a willingness that was not previously there to meet with us and this meeting is an indication of that. In previous days it would take months to get a firm date and I am so thankful for the minister making himself available and also for doing his homework so he understood the situation and the role that DEFRA could play in attracting Global business.
“It is clear that Government is seeking to direct businesses to trade globally as well as just within Europe and Pritchetts and Lakelands are a global enterprise which are a flagship showing how a home grown cooperative can do exceedingly well on the global stage and Minister George Eustice acknowledged this fact and indicated a willingness to come over and visit the factory in the future.
“We had a positive meeting with the Minister and his aide and we are looking at how DEFRA can achieve the paper work that will mean more business and job security for the 200 staff on site at Prichetts and the suppliers as well,” added Mr