Ritchie Says Trident Vote Was About Status Not Security

South Down MP Margaret Ritchie (SDLP) has spoken out following the Westminster debate against the renewal of the Trident nuclear weapons system.

dn_screenShe said: “The renewal of Trident is about status, not security. The elephant in the room is that the Trident nuclear system only exists to further the image of the UK as a first-tier world power, not to make citizens safer. Leaving aside the party political timing of the vote yesterday, the Government’s commitment to nuclear weapons betrays a deep insecurity over the UK’s role in the 21st century.

“The Motion last night showed that the new Prime Minister is not committed to even multi-lateral nuclear disarmament. I fear renewing Trident will make the world less secure by increasing tensions and by increasing the risk of potentially catastrophic mechanical and human error.

“Trident also puts Northern Ireland at greater risk by making both the North and the Irish Sea potential targets in future conflicts. That is why myself and the other SDLP MP’s voted against renewal yesterday evening.”

The motion was carried by a majority of 355 voting in favour.