South Down SDLP MLA Colin McGrath and local Councillor Laura Devlin have met with Gemma Lyttle of Outdoor Recreation NI (ORNI) to look at their proposals to develop the Generator House at the Harbour in Newcastle.
The Generator House was part of the old WWtW adjacent to the harbour which have now been modernised with increased capacity.
ORNI have been appointed by Newry Mourne and Down District Council to look at options for the Generator House and how it could be brought back into use for the betterment of all the Community.

“It was great to sit down with Gemma and talk though their work to date and what vision they have for bringing this building back into community use. For too long it has been unused and the local harbour community are crying out for facilities,” explained Mr McGrath. “ORNI has a number of proposals – one of which would include Changing Facilities, a toilet and a small working kitchen. I think such an option would be very well received by those who work out of and who use the Harbour for recreation.
“The Harbour area is one which has been lacking in investment for too long, and with this project I see for a relatively small cash injection that the benefits would be far reaching.”
Mournes Councillor Laura Devlin said: “Former Councillor Carmel O’Boyle worked tirelessly to ensure that the Generator House was brought back into Council ownership. This was a long drawn out process. but fortunately all is now in order and the building itself belongs to Council.
“ORNI have come forward with a number of options and these options will in due course be presented to Council for decision. What we have is an used building in an area with high demand for community facilities, so it is imperative that something happens to inject some life back into the harbour community.
“However, community consultation is key and I look forward to any such proposals being discussed again with those who call the Harbour their home or for those who use it on a regular basis.”