Cllr Laura Devlin, outgoing chairperson of Newry Mourne and Down District Council, presents another two Council civic awards.
One of the last acts of the outgoing chairperson of Newry Mourne and Down District Council was to present civic awards to local community activists who have made a huge difference in their communities.
Cllr Devlin first met Dara McNulty who has written a book on nature studies and is a keen young naturalist becoming a strong voice for the environment.

In presenting the prize to Dara, Cllr Devlin said: “I’m delighted to present you with this civic award in recognition of your recent prestigious achievement in winning the Wainwright Prize for nature writing, with your passionate portrayal of your intense connection with the natural world.
“Your debut book entitled ‘Diary of a Young Naturalist’ charts your encounters with wildlife and nature and recounts your life from moving away from your beloved forest, in Co. Fermanagh called Big Dog to struggling with everyday life, all, while living with autism.
“Your book evolved from your wildlife blog, Young Fermanagh Naturalist, which you began when you were 12, where you charted how you found peace in your connection with nature.
“You are such an inspiration Dara and a very worthy recipient of this award. Well done Dara!”

Also, Kathy Black, a community activist at Unit T in Newcastle also received a recognition for her efforts during the Covid-19 pandemic in running a soup kitchen and working with young people. Cllr Laura Devlin said: “I’m delighted to present you with this civic award in recognition of your community work.
“Your talents know no bonds and you are always on hand to both support and encourage young people in the area.
“Your work during the Covid-19 pandemic, setting up a soup kitchen was outstanding.”