New Covid Notices And Fixed Penalty Notices Now Active

New Offences and New Fixed Penalty Notices.

New Offences and New Fixed Penalty Notices.

With effect from 17.30 on 12th November 2020, COV4 has replaced COV1 and COV1 fines are no longer issued. 

This is because penalty levels have increased and additional offences have been introduced.

COV2 and COV3 will continue to be used as normal. COV5 can now be issued to a business and/or premises as required for breach of the regulations, with fines from starting at £1,000 to a maximum of £10,000.

As of 9am this morning (14/12/20) there are currently 328 PSNI officers/ members of staff Covid-19 absent – 267 of which are self-isolating.

These figures for officers absent / self-isolating are only available on a Service-wide basis and not by individual districts. 

A spokesperson added that the PSNI will continue to flex its resources to meet policing demand across Northern Ireland as part of our ongoing commitment to keeping people safe.