Museum Hosts Holocaust Memorial Day

DOWN County Museum has hosted the launch of the Holocaust Memorial Day event last Thursday (27th January).

The event featured a presentation on memories of the Holocaust by people from County Down who were either in Nazi concentration camps or who were involved in the liberation of those camps.

The event was organised by the Down County Museum in partnership with the Somme Heritage Centre who have been gathering oral history in relation to World War II including the concentration camps and their liberation. The event will be a rare opportunity to hear the testimony of people in County Down who witnessed at first hand the atrocities of the concentration camp system and their impact on millions of people in Europe.

The 27th January was designated as Holocaust Memorial Day and thousands of events mark the day across Europe. Holocaust Memorial Day provides people with an opportunity not just to remember the Holocaust but to learn more about how important it is to continue to combat racism throughout the world today. The presentation was followed by a chance to view a DVD on Anne Frank and Her Legacy in the World produced by the Anne Frank Trust. [caption id="attachment_19663" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Pupils from local secondary schools attended the opening of the Holocaust exhibition now running in the Down County Museum."][/caption] ]]>