Mind Your Head PHA Urges Students

As thousands of students begin a new year at college or university, the Public Health Agency (PHA) is using the opportunity to raise awareness about student mental health.

Amanda O’Neill, Senior Health and Wellbeing Improvement Officer with the PHA, said: “It is really important that students know that taking care of your mental health is just as important as looking after your physical health. Most of us go to university or college hoping that it will lead to a good career in the future. In the shorter term priorities are usually settling into your new accommodation, making new friends and maybe finding a new job, and these things can be challenging.”

There are many reasons why students could find themselves getting stressed out and this may cause different emotions.

“If you are feeling down or stressed it is important that you talk to someone you trust as soon as you can,” said Amanda.
“Ignoring problems can make them worse. Help and support is available for those who need it.”

PHAThe PHA has produced a booklet for students: ‘Mind Your Head: A student guide to mental health’. The booklet is full of practical tips and information on managing stress and achieving and maintaining positive mental health and emotional wellbeing.

The guide covers topics such as money, body image, home life and family issues. It also contains a list of helpful local organisations and websites which offer support. The booklet targets first year students at universities and further and higher education colleges, as the transition from school to tertiary education can be a stressful time.

The booklet is available from students’ unions across Northern Ireland. It is also available at:


More information on looking after your mental health and the support which is available across Northern Ireland can be found at:
