McGrath Points Finger At Ambulance Delays

McGrath says Ambulance delays are contributing to health service collapse

SDLP Opposition Health Spokesperson Colin McGrath MLA has said that lengthy delays in ambulance response times is contributing to the collapse of the health service.

He was speaking after a debate in the Assembly on Monday.

Mr McGrath has long been highlighting the impact of ambulance delays, particularly in rural areas.

Ambulances are at the centre of the failure of the health service says SDLP MLA Colin McGrath.

South Down MLA Mr McGrath said: “It was impossible to miss the images of ambulances lined up one after another outside our emergency departments over the Christmas period and I welcome the situation being given some attention in the Assembly today.

“However, issues around ambulance service response times are tied up with all the other problems afflicting our health service and stopping patients from getting the best care possible.

“Key to keeping our health service running is the flow of patients, from ambulance to triage, emergency department to wards, and ward to discharge, that simply isn’t happening at the moment.

“Patients who are unable to be admitted to hospital are left waiting in ambulances for hours at a time, which means those same ambulances cannot be used to respond to other incidents.

“It’s a vicious circle where hardworking staff are unable to do their jobs and patients’ lives are put at risk.

“An ambulance cannot respond to those in need if they are stuck outside a hospital. We also have huge issues when it comes to response times for those in rural or out of the way areas that mean they do not get the services they deserve.

“Despite the challenges in this area, all of the problems in our heath service stem from the failure to transform and until the Executive accept that fact and get to work implementing it, every part of our heath infrastructure will remain under pressure,” added Colin McGrath MLA.