Lewis Says Don’t Play Politics With Covid Memorial Plan

Don’t play politics with Covid Memorial says Lewis

Don’t play politics with Covid Memorial says Lewis

Slieve Croob Ulster Unionist Councillor Alan Lewis has asked fellow councillors on Newry Mourne and Down Council not to play politics with his motion to establish a memorial to those who sadly lost their lives during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The UUP Councillor also wants the proposed memorial to be dedicated to health care workers along with civic volunteers who cared for the sick and vulnerable through this difficult period.

UUP Cllr Alan Lewis is calling for a memorial to honour those who have died with Covid-19 in the pandemic across the council area.

He said: “I was surprised that the Council Chairperson decided that this motion would not be debated at full council, being instead referred to the Equality and Good Relations Forum.

“There is nothing controversial about the call to establish a district covid memorial. This should be an inclusive, dignified and solemn project which could be the centre point of reflection on how collectively our lives have been changed, and for remembering people lost while also recognising the dedication and commitment of our frontline health and community care sector along with all those community organisations who played their part in supporting residents across Newry Mourne and Down.

“I am asking that fellow Councillors don’t play politics with this proposal, as this won’t open the floodgates for other memorials. It’s neither political or controversial.

“I wish my proposal to be taken in the earnest and honest way it was intended, simply an opportunity for our council to mark the huge life-changing implications that the pandemic has had on our district and on our lives.

“ The motion will be debated at the next meeting of the the Equality & Good Relations Forum, which is due to be held in November, and there is no good reason why this should be blocked, vetoed or otherwise derailed.”

Cllr Andrew Lewis’ motion reads: “That this council notes the serious impact that the Coronavirus pandemic has had on Northern Ireland.

“We recognise that many families have lost loved ones and note that death figures continue to rise.

“We wish to also acknowledge the sacrifice of service from our health service families along with those from across our voluntary and communities sector, who helped their communities at the time that they were at their most vulnerable.

“The Council will seek to commission a memorial to be placed within the grounds of Downshire Civic Centre to mark the pandemic, collective loss and sacrifice of healthcare staff including those from the public, private and voluntary sector.

“We also note and support the call of Health Minister Robin Swann to establish a Northern Ireland wide memorial.”