Curtis Croskery (17) from Killyleagh is hitting the right notes.
The SERC Art and Design student, a former pupil at Blackwater Integrated College in Downpatrick, has had an initial audition with XFactor judges and is waiting on their decision to see if he is going through to the next stages.
Curtis said: “I sing mostly ballads and popular music and recently went to the Victoria Square in Belfast to an audition for XFactor. I sang my favourite ‘In the arms of the angel‘ sung originally by Sarah McLachlin. The judges were impressed and asked me to sing another one. I sang ‘Run‘ by Snow Patrol.

“The day before the audition I was a bag of nerves, but on the day, I remained focussed and really enjoyed the experience. There are three stages I have to get through to do a live audition in London. It will be tough but I am giving it my best shot. It could be a life changing opportunity for me.
“I really start singing at Blackwater in my first year. My music teacher thought I had a good voice and encouraged me to take part in shows, pantomimes, and presentations etc and gradually I grew more confident and experienced.
“My music teacher suggested I get singing lessons which I did and I really developed. I passed my Grade Five in Singing quite quickly and just two weeks ago I managed to get my Grade 8 which is a high award.”
Sarah McLachlin Sings ‘In the arms of an angel’
Four years ago Curtis entered Britain’s Got Talent and did well but was told he was ‘too young’, but his hunger for the stage is now growing strong. Curtis enjoys singing ballads and pop music but will tackle any style if its within his range. He added: “I’ve basically been a solo singer and I just think it would be brilliant to make it to the top in the music business and do live performances at shows, tours, and gigs and maybe even on TV. I’ve no doubt though it will be hard work getting there.

“I get a real buzz from performing. I sang at my brother Johnny’s wedding and get great support locally in my home town. Michelle and Chris Hagen in Killyleagh have been very supportive. I have been working with them on a fundraising CD of cover songs for the Killyleagh Youth Drop In Centre but that is still being worked on involving two other singers, Mia Jess and Paulette Rice. The songs will be combined with the mix recorded by the two DJ’s Robbie and Aaron when they visited Killyleagh back in February.
“I also took part in the 10th annual ‘Starquest‘ show at the Elim Conference Centre in Bangor. It was organised by the police and was a fundraiser for good causes.”
While Curtis is moving ahead with his singing career, he will be progressing through his Art and Design diploma and could maybe even end up at university studying music and art.
Curtis added: “Singers I like are Ed Sheehan, Edele, and Carrie Underwood who sings country, but I listen and sing to a wide range of material.
“I’m looking forward to the 17th July when I get the results to see if I am through to the next stage in XFactor. I’m confident I can do this. But there will be another two auditions to get through. The fourth is live in London.
“I hope everyone in the area gives me a bit of support if I make it through the auditions and to the fourth crucial audition. I’m going in both guns blazing – it will be a terrific experience, but I’m really looking forward to it.”