Sinn Féin South Down MP Chris Hazzard said it is “despicable for the DUP to talk about exploiting the chaos caused by Brexit for their own narrow ends.”

The South Down MP said: “It is despicable for DUP MP Sammy Wilson to say the Brexit chaos in Europe should be exploited at this time to serve the narrow agenda of the Brexiteers.
“It was Sammy Wilson and his ilk who caused this chaos by advocating and pursuing Brexit against the wishes of the people of the north.
“While he may be revelling in chaos, businesses in the North across a range of sectors, community organisations and others are under intense pressure because of the uncertainty created by Brexit and many are facing an uncertain future.
“It is also ironic to talk about chaos in Europe at a time when the British political system is going through unprecedented chaos of its own making.
“It shows that DUP Brexiteers are so detached from reality, caught up in their Westminster bubble that they don’t see or care about the chaos they have created or the people of the North.
“In the coming days we need to see the EU27 and the Irish government standing firm to ensure Irish interests are protected from the calamity of a Tory/DUP Brexit.”
Business leaders in Northern Ireland are united in their opposition to a hard Brexit and have called for an end to the uncertainty over Brexit which is eroding business confidence.