Good Relations Small Grants Scheme 2015-2016.
Local community groups and the voluntary sector are invited to apply for funding from Ards and North Down Borough Council’s good relations grants programme for 2015–2016. Applications will be considered from groups wishing to deliver good relations and good race relations projects. [caption id="attachment_59250" align="alignright" width="300"]
* build confidence to address silent sectarianism and racism
* addressing low educational attainment through alternative educational opportunity and informal education
* increase understanding of local culture
* exploring and understanding Good Relations through diversity & cultural diversity
The Chair of Ards and North Down Borough Council’s Community and Wellbeing Committee, Councillor Kellie Armstrong said: “Good relations grants help our community and voluntary groups to deliver projects that really make a difference in the Ards and North Down area. We appreciate the great work that they do and we look forward to hearing about their innovative good relations projects.”
The deadline for completed applications is 4pm on 26 November 2015, with grant awards expected to be announced before Christmas. The Council is running three information meetings for groups interested in applying to the Good Relations Grant Programme: * 7pm – 8pm on Tuesday 10 November in Ballywalter Village Hall, Ballywalter* 7pm – 8pm on Wednesday 11 November at Hamilton House, Hamilton Road, Bangor
* 7pm – 8pm on Thursday 12 November at Comber Adult Learning Centre, Killinchy Street, Comber
For further information or to request an application form go to:
or contact the Council’s good relations team on 0300 0133333 ext. 40245.