We in Glasdrumman are small in numbers but big in heart. The big heart was certainly tested this past week as each day seemed to bring news of another tragic death connected to our families writes Tony Bannon.
The committee and members of Glasdrumman GAC deeply regret the death of Ann Harrison, mother of former player and committee member Liam and grandmother of playing members Connaire and Shane Harrison, Martin and Calum McGrath and former players Eamonn Doneganand Tony Greenan we tender our deepest sympathy to the entire Harrison family circle on their sad loss.
Then came the news of deaths of Nan and Francie O’Reilly with strong connections in Mourne to the O’Reilly, Mc Manus and Marks families. More tragic news then followed with the news of the deaths of Marion Rodgers , whose family connections are to the local Rodgers and Savage families, Nellie O’Neill whose family connections are the local O’Neill and Rooney families,and Irene Mc Clean from Newcastle who is the aunt of our current player Sean Cunningham and sister-in -law of our former player Dessie. May all their souls rest in peace and may Our Lady the Queen of Peace Pray for them.
Juvenile registration for this year takes place on Sunday 15 February in the clubrooms from 3pm until 5pm.
On Sunday morning the youth choir will be singing at 9.30am mass in Glasdrumman. Could everyone who is taking part in the choir please be there at 9.15am. There will be also be a choir practice after Mass on Sunday.
On Friday night the young people of the 2nd youth club group went on a trip to “We are Vertigo” adventure park. This was a unique experience and all the young people had a brilliant night. While there they were lucky enough to be treated to a 45 minute complementary session in the “We are Vertigo” trampoline park.
This was again an incredible, fun experience for all the young people. In the words of all who went on the night “it was the best youth club trip ever”. The trip was organised by the Lower Mourne Gaelic League, a huge thank you to them for making this trip possible for us. a special word of thanks must go to Sarah who organised the trip.
On Saturday it was the turn of the younger youth club group to have a trip. They went to Kilbroney Park where they followed the “Narnia Trail”, they also did the “Fairy Glen” walk and had a picnic. The sun shining ensured a perfect day out for the kids and a great afternoon was had by all. Thank you to Ciara Tiernan for driving the bus.
Don’t foget if you need order the Club’s new quarter top, please place your order with Jen or Catherine before Fri 30th
This Saturday 31January,  St.Joseph’s Pipe Band will have the annnual presentation night in the AOH hall at 8-30. Our Junior Scor ballad group will be singing at this night out. It would be great to see support from our club members for this night.
Senior Scor ballad group and Solo Singer will be in action in the South Down heats on either Friday 6 or Sunday 8 Feb venue to be confirmed.
Club awards night Saturday 7 February at 8-30 in Quinn’s Newcastle some tickets still available from any committee member £10 ( hot buffet included)
Saturday 21 February Our Night at the Races will go ahead in AOH HALL Glasdrumman at 8-30p.m Further details about sponsorship available from any committee member.
Senior Training now going ahead on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.