“Thank you for feeding five thousand!”
That was the resounding message from Fountain Foodbank in Downpatrick who are delighted at the support they have received from all quarters of the community.
Fountain Foodbank has been helping alleviate food poverty in Downpatrick and the surrounding area since opening in March 2015.
Shirley Lennon, Fountain Foodbank Coordinator, said: “Having distributed over 1600 food parcels, it will soon reach the milestone of feeding 5000 people. Whilst this is not something to celebrate due to the level of poverty it indicates, it is a milestone. As this is a Christian charity the volunteers were reminded of Jesus’ miracle of feeding five thousand people that is recorded in the bible.

“While compiling the weekly statistics, I could not help but notice we were approaching helping 5000 people. Jesus used a gift of five small loaves and two fishes given to him by a boy to feed five thousand people.
“In a way Fountain Foodbank has reflected this miracle. We have used the donations we have been given to feed five thousand local people. Although these figures include clients who have used the Foodbank on several occasions, it is still important. As Christians we recognise God’s goodness behind this, both in providing the donations and the volunteers from across our community to carry out the work.
“The Foodbank is very keen to thank all the local people and organisations that have made this possible. The Foodbank is asking supporters to come to an event on Friday 17th November 2017 at 2pm in the Foodbank, Downpatrick Presbyterian Church Hall, Fountain Street, where they can find out more about the work of the Foodbank and also the partner organisations that refer clients to the Foodbank.”
Foodbank volunteer Greer Lowe explained why he continues to volunteer. He said: “I recently met a low income family who were using the Foodbank. They not only had a child with a disability but had suffered a family bereavement which put additional financial pressure on the family. This shows the great need for the Foodbank in supporting families in need.”
Shirley Lennon added: “We also want to ensure the Foodbank is able to meet the continued need and we are running a campaign to turn ‘five tins and two packets’ into five thousand items of food during November.
“We know the community is very generous and we are asking people to buy an extra item of shopping and give it to those who find themselves in difficult circumstances.
“Donations can be left at the Foodbank, local churches, Milligan’s Ardglass, SuperValu, Ballymote or The Hub.
Contact fountainfoodbank@gmail.com
or telephone 07444015883 for more information of find us on Facebook.