Hay’s Travel voucher donated to Down Community Radio FM105 from won by Dundrum man
Ben Mullan (39) from Dundrum was the lucky winner of the £500 Hay’s Travel voucher which was donated by the Downpatrick branch to boost fundraising efforts to get Down FM 105 back up and running.
Speaking at the presentation of the voucher at Hay’s Travel Downpatrick, Ben said: “I’m absolutely over the moon. This win has made a dream come true for me.
“I’m jetting off on Tuesday early to Gatwick and on to New Dehli to attend a friend’ wedding.

“I am really looking forward to this. I could not have made the trip without the support of the voucher which has gone a long way to covering the cost of the return flight.
“I’d just like to thank Hay’s Travel for putting up the voucher for the draw and all the volunteers at Down Community Radio who have worked so hard to get the funds gathered to get the radio back up and running.
“I’m looking forward to the two-week trip. I’ll visit the Taj Mahal and UNESCO sites and tour around. It’s going to be the trip of a lifetime.
“It is a 10-hour flight to New Dehli. I’m really looking forward to this.”
Chairman of Down Community Radio Gareth McDowell said: “We are delighted that Ben is putting this voucher to good use and will enjoy a very memorable trip to New Dehli to attend his friend’ wedding.
“Out thanks also go to Hay’s Travel for their generous donation of the holiday voucher. We are very much appreciative of this gesture to help us on our way to re-start the community radio.

“To date we have fundraised through the draw and street collection and a disco night in Murphy’s Bar and also with the support of ALPS, we are just about over the line.
“We have to get our Ofcom licence cleared shortly and we will be up and running.
“Recently, we got the arial at the St Patrick centre fixed and tested and it is now providing the signal to the big arial up at the Downshire Hospital. So everything is falling into place.
“We have a dedicated band of volunteers and they are all looking forward to getting the radio station back on air.
“So many thanks to everyone who supported our big Christmas draw and other events. There will be more news soon once we are nearer the point when we can launch the radio.
“We will hopefully be up and running by St Patrick’s day or before and we are looking forward to a busy year ahead. Watch this space!”
James Burke, “Hays Travel Downpatrick manager, said: “We are delighted that that the winner James is using the voucher to travel to India for a life-time experience to his friend’s wedding.
“I hope he has a very enjoyable flight and has lots of great memories to cherish for the rest of his life.”