Following a recent press statement by the Ulster Farmers Union (UFU) on the issue of ‘active farmer’ the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) explained once again how the ‘active farmer’ negotiations proceeded.
A DARD spokesperson said: “It is unfortunate that some feel that confusion remains about how the ‘active farmer’ negotiations proceeded. The UFU has been very closely involved and informed during every step of the negotiations that led to the current position on active farmers.
“The Department’s opening position on the issue was set out in our submission to the Commission of April 2012. This led to detailed negotiations and numerous contacts with the Commission, the Presidency, MEPs and the UK Government in pursuit of this issue. The Commission was wholly resistant to any link to past production which proved decisive in the June 2013 agreement.
“The Union was part of the follow up meeting with the Agriculture Commissioner last September which led ultimately to the definition we now have. That definition has been progressed through the negotiation of the Direct Payments Delegated Act. Throughout all of this, the Union was supportive of the position adopted by the Department.”
The spokesperson continued: “As always, the Department stands ready to receive constructive suggestions from the Union on any additional clarity of definition it now wants and which can be added to the very substantial body of material already on the DARD website, which can be found at: