Appreciation during difficult times.
It is extremely easy to get bogged down with the difficulties we face in life, now more so than ever. But with every difficult situation we face we must concentrate on the positives writes Dan Gebski.
Are we still alive? Are we breathing? Have we a roof over our heads? Have we a fridge full off food? If you answered yes to all of them then you are better off than most. In this life we are faced with many situations good and bad, but its how we deal with these situations that determine how strong we really are.
I look at my life and wake up everyday grateful to be alive and blessed with good health, having a great family and good friends. Difficult situations can make us stronger than we ever imagined.
With this pandemic all over the world and lockdown and social distancing happening, its time to sit back and really take heed of whats most important in life… the people that are there for us. And you can take stock of the road your life is taking, asking can changes be made? If so, now is the time. It’s a time for reflection and a chance to self improve.
I cant speak for everyone, but I myself will never take for granted a busy park with my children, a date night with my wife, a family holiday going to see my family in Poland, a busy restaurant and nice pint with friends and family. I miss normality of life but I do believe we have no choice but to get on with it. So why not make it one to remember?
Stay safe folks, stay home, and I look forward to the wonderful path life takes me on… and you.
Good health to you all !
Latvian Mum Inga McQuaid Writes A Poem !
Living and caring by Inga.
The days are filled with care and caution
So many memories made.
At home and safe while our Heroes
Go out to battle this disease.
We learn to spend our time together
We , as a whole, as family.
In strangest way this virus taught us
to cherish every memory.
We miss our loved ones,
But for their sake we stay away and do not knock.
Instead we call with dedication
To save our loved one’s lives at last!
We miss our parks, the hills and oceans
We miss all social gatherings.
It will be fun once lockdown’s lifted
Oh we will live so full and free!
For now, we’re keeping strong together.
We distance and self-isolate.
We thank you, people, for the future
That can be brought on while we wait.
It’s good to stop , to smell the blossom,
To cook and sing, appreciate
That LIFE itself is so much fragile…
Please be patient and be safe!
We pray for all those who have parted,
We cheer for all those who survived.
And silently as stars start dancing
We pray for dearest , nearest , far …