DAERA Minister Promises To Help Farming Sector

Minister promises relentless efforts to find new opportunities for farming sector

Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs Minister Andrew Muir has reiterated his commitment to work in collaboration with the agriculture industry to create a sustainable sector for future generations.

Speaking at the Ulster Farmers Union and Young Farmers Clubs of Ulster conference, the Minister said that while  farming is going through challenging times, work is ongoing to implement new support schemes and development programmes.

DAERA Minister Andrew Muir has reached out to the farming community saying change is necessary and that new mechanisms of support are being worked up for the agri-food sector.

Minister Muir said: “The overall objective is to transition to a more sustainable farming sector by implementing policies and strategies that benefit our climate and environment, whilst at the same time supporting our economically and socially significant agri-food sector.

“Crucially the policies under development are evidence-led with a firm focus on data to help with decision making.  Science and innovation are key drivers for these new policies, with skills and smarter ways of working critical to success, realizing the benefits of science and technology and enabling better succession planning.

“These initiatives will also deliver on securing sustainable productivity within Northern Ireland agriculture and help to support food security and high standards of disease control, public and animal health,” the Minister added.

Turning to the subject of Lough Neagh, Minister Muir said: “The issues of improving water quality are tough, I don’t shy away from them because we owe it both to communities around Lough Neagh and farmers of tomorrow to take the actions today to give a strong and sustainable future upon which success can be assured.

The Minister said that Northern Ireland can become an exemplar in achieving a thriving, sustainable and resilient agri-food sector by continuing our relentless efforts in engaging with others to face change and find opportunities together.