Chairman pays homage to ambassadors of Newry Mourne and Down
Eighteen inspirational individuals from across Newry Mourne and Down were honoured at a prestigious Civic Awards Ceremony held in Down Arts Centre on Friday 29 March 2019.
This annual Awards Ceremony is designed to honour individuals and organisations, who in their own unique way, have been wonderful ambassadors for the district. Recipients were nominated by Councillors from their own District Electoral Area (DEA) for their contribution or achievements within the categories of Community, Sports and Arts and Culture, and were presented with their awards on the evening by Newry Mourne and Down District Council Chairman, Councillor Mark Murnin.

Speaking at the event, Chairman, Councillor Murnin said: “These Awards are a mark of the Council’s respect and gratitude to those who provide a helping hand to people less fortunate or who represent our district so admirably through achievements within their own particular field.
“On behalf of Newry Mourne and Down District Council I want to thank you all for the tremendous work you have undertaken and for you to know how enormously proud we are to have such remarkable people living within our community.
“The stories that accompany each award are inspirational and as a result it helps us all to try harder and do better in our own lives.”
The recipients who received an award are:
Ryan Bogues – Community.
Chernobyl Aid Newry – Community.
Sister Teresa Clancy & Anthony Corrigan from Murlough Community Association – Community.
Eddie Craig – Sports.
Martin Cromwell – Community.
Malachy Doran – Community.
Noel Ellison – Community.
Jim & Eileen Gibney – Community.
Michaela Hollywood – Community.
Maureen & Brendan Keohane – Arts/Culture.
Denise Malone – Community.
Bernie McKeating – Community.
Nathan Pierson – Community.
Julie Shaw – Sports.
Paul Teggart – Community.