Cllr Oonagh Hanlon has welcomed a Speed Indicator Sign which will operate at Downpatrick Road in Ardglass to slow down traffic.
Sinn Féin Cllr Oonagh Hanlon has welcomed the second rollout of Speed Indicator devices locally.
The Downpatrick DEA Councillor said: “As a PCSP member I have continually highlighted the need for speed calming measures throughout the Downpatrick and Lecale area.

“I attended a recent site meeting with PCSP staff, PSNI and DFI officials and it was agreed to position the sign along the Downpatrick Road at Ardglass.
“This particular stretch of road in Ardglass has been an area of concern for many years not least as it is a busy residential area and leads past St Nicholas’ Primary.
“The concern for the safety of pupils, staff and local residents has been brought to my attention many times as lives were being placed at risk such is the speed of some motorists.”
Cllr Hanlon added: “The PCSP deserves credit for listening to the concerns of elected representatives and the wider public on the speeding issue.
“The message must go out that speeders are placing their lives and those of other road users in danger. My appeal to all drivers is to obey the restrictions in place and drive within the speed limits’.
“The further roll out of the devices has opened the debate and need for devices in other areas. I have been inundated with requests and will continue to lobby for other areas of need for future roll outs.
“A total of seven signs will be erected shortly across the Newry Mourne and Down District Council area as part of the major clampdown on speeders.
“This is the second rollout of these devices which have proven to be very successful.”