Twenty Is Plenty Say Local Residents At Langley Estate In Ballynahinch

Langley Road residents in Ballynahinch are very keen to have a 20 mph speed limit introduced into the estate.  

This follows years of lobbying to have speed ramps introduced in the estate but have they have been disappointed that this speed measure will not happen in the foreseeable future.  At a recent Inter Multi-Agency meeting residents were informed that they are placed thirty-sixth out of a total of 119 on a list for similar requests for speed ramps.  

Down District  Councillor Garth  Craig (DUP) said there is now a joint initiative between the Roads Service and the PSNI to introduce pilot 20 mph schemes in Northern Ireland. He added: “I am working with both agencies to consider using the Langley Road estate as this pilot.  

“I think that in estates such as Langley, when children can suddenly appear from behind parked cars that ‘twenty is plenty’ for drivers in these areas.  Much more serious injuries would result if a child or young person was hit by a car travelling at 30 mph than if an accident occurred at 20 mph.

“Before any decision is taken, a public consultation with the local residents would have to take place and criteria would have to be met in order that the pilot might proceed.”

Cllr Craig said he would like to see the Local Government Bill amended to allow Councils the power to introduce 20 mph speed limits where needed and has been lobbying the DUP Assembly Team in this regard. [caption id="attachment_47575" align="aligncenter" width="540"]Twenty is plenty: Councillors Garth Craig and Billy Walker pictured at the Langley estate in Ballynahinch with Andrew Steenson, Chairman of the Langley Road Community Association and local residents. Twenty is plenty: Councillors Garth Craig and Billy Walker pictured at the Langley estate in Ballynahinch with Andrew Steenson, Chairman of the Langley Road Community Association and local residents.[/caption]]]>